Beware the "F" word

When my son was younger he was hyposensitive to temperature. That means he didn't feel heat or cold like the rest of us. In the middle of winter he would just be wearing a thin top and in the heat of summer his warmest coat would often come out. We were told that he would seek out these extremes of temperature because it was the only time he could feel them. His threshold for feeling hot or cold was so low that it took extremes in order to feel them, and just being able to feel something was a pleasurable experience for him. On our part as parents, we knew something that he didn't, that extremes of temperature become dangerous to one’s health. In our Western culture, fear is marketed and ramped up for people to "feel" something they have become insensitive to. A little fear in the right environment will stop you from doing something stupid. It's the internal check that makes sure your parachute is packed right before you jump out of a plane. But fea...