hunger and Holiness

Hunger and Holiness The word “holiness” often brings up images in my mind of people separating themselves from society. The monks secluded in their monastery, praying in isolation while the world passes them by. The jewish priest who can’t even sleep with his wife in the lead up to special events. The charismatic christian who won’t go to a colleagues party for fear of being corrupted by the world. Although it can seem contradictory, the has lots to say about both being part of your community, and being set apart for God, so how do we work out which is for us? I would like to propose that it’s both. My framework for working out what to do in a situation like this uses the following three points: Your “why” is more important than your ‘what” Your “why” should be “because of love” (love God, then love others) The practical way of turning a “why” into a “what” is by hearing God’s voice and doing as He says. So, using the example above, should you go to that party? I don’t know...