
Every day, my kids come home from school in the afternoon in need of a distraction and energy after a hard day of learning, and their answer to this need is snacks. The activity of after-school-snack is a routine that resets and relaxes their brains into ‘home mode’, and replenishes their energy levels ready for play time. However, a snack doesn’t fill an empty stomach, it’s not meant to, that’s what meals are for. Sometimes one snack becomes two, and when Mum and Dad aren’t looking, a few more fill the space. Then Mum starts cooking something wonderful in the kitchen, and the smell starts those hunger pangs off again. By the time dinner is ready for the kids, the kids are no longer ready for dinner. The meal that my wife put so much love into preparing was snubbed for a short term fix. What happened? The blessing of the snack was abused and took away the hunger for the main event. In this parable, who do the characters represent? Who are the kids, who is the one who prepar...