The story where the phones went flat

The wedding was beautiful, not a dry eye in the house. All of their friends and family had come to help celebrate this special day and join as witnesses of the covenant agreement between man and wife. The newlyweds went off late in the afternoon for their photo session. They had arranged for ten girls from the church youth group to light the path to the reception using their phone torches. Before the wedding, five of the girls had decided to travel light. All they needed was their phone, it had everything they could possibly need for the day. Of course, they all had the torch app that they would use later on, but their phone also holds all their socials and a game or two to pass any quiet moments. It was these apps that held their focus while the happy couple were off taking photos, and it was these apps that were responsible for draining the batteries on their phones while they waited. Wedding photos never fit the time allotted to them on the day, they always take longer t...