Memory stones

I have just seen one of my kids go through his first year of school. In the first week of school he received an award for meeting the expectations of the school. We used a magnetic clip to hold that award onto the fridge, every time he went to the fridge, there was a reminder of the thrill of receiving a reward. By the end of the year, that clip was so heavy with awards received that it would fall off the fridge at random times (often when we were asleep). Walk into an athletes home and you will find trophies, photos and momentos from past victories. These objects evoke memories of the past that inspire hope for the future. Using something common as a reminder of the extraordinary is nothing new. Throughout the bible, both God, and his chosen nation used everything from songs to holy days to remember the wonderful things God had done for them. After 40 years of wandering the desert, waiting to enter the land God had promised to them, God's chosen peop...